Curate inclusion and foster a sense of community within your remote or hybrid team

In 2020, the world experienced a rapid and dramatic shift to remote work, shifting the traditional concept of workPLACE into one of workSPACE and leaving many leaders unsure of how to navigate this new normal. The traditional in-person connections and sense of belonging were lost, leaving many teams feeling isolated and disconnected. But it doesn’t have to be this way. 


In The New Workspace: Techniques for Fostering Collaboration and Community in Remote or Hybrid Teams, EDGE Leadership Founder & CEO, Christy Uffelman, provides practical strategies for creating a brave and inclusive environment that nurtures vulnerability, intimacy, and authentic relationships. 

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About Christy

Uffelman, a sought-after consultant, and coach with over two decades of experience teaching effective talent strategies to Fortune 500 business leaders, offers a tested and proven roadmap for fostering robust collaboration and connection throughout your leadership sphere. Whether you’re leading a team, department, region, business unit, or an entire company, integrating these proven methods will enable everyone to perform their best together. 

This book is a must-read if you’re ready to reinvent your leadership style for a new world.