
Christy Delivers Keynote for Harvard Medical School Event

Last week, Christy Uffelman served as faculty for a Harvard Medical School workshop, delivering a keynote address for the Career Advancement and Leadership Skills for Women in Healthcare course. After taking a day to reflect on the honor of presenting at such a prestigious institution, Christy was able to take a deep breath and reflect.  Here are her thoughts:

Fears are just stories we tell ourselves.

I think sometimes we forget that.😉

I know I do.

My inner critic, and the entire Negative Committee who live inside my head, have all been working overtime this week. I’ve heard “Who do you think you are?” running on a near endless loop. 😳

Who am I to stand up at this prestigious conference and share my story? Why would anyone care?

If I’m honest, over the years I’ve let these voices edit my life in more ways than I’d care to admit.

But not this week.

Not yesterday.

Because yesterday I stood tall and proud. I owned my story in front of more than 800 women.

And I hope, gave them each permission to do the same. 😊

Thank you ALL for your comments and messages of support. You inspired me more than you know!!! ❤️

#OnlyWhenYouOwnYourStoryCanYouWriteYourOwnEnding #BeBold#YesYouCan

See a clip of Christy’s inspirational speech about “getting unstuck” from your current challenge in life: Harvard Medical School Keynote Clip