
How I Process Time…

I will be the first to tell you that I’m a work in progress.😏

This shift in perspective was not perfected overnight, and by definition, it means that I am not yet evolved to where I want to be… as a leader, as a wife, as a daughter and sister, as a mom.

One big area I’ve been working on recently is how I process Time.

It’s easy to focus on the Milestones in my life- holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, first and last days of school- and if I’m being really honest, these moments often get the best of my presence and focus. 😬

And while in and of itself this isn’t a bad thing (after all, the value of a Milestone is often in its ability to help us gauge our place in the world- where we’ve been and how much growing we still have yet to do)…. but what is far worthier to me is the value of the “in-between”. 😉

It’s the Time spent in my morning and evening routines, my Saturday afternoon errands and cooking dinner on Tuesday night for Kevin and Elaina. It’s the times when I choose to eat well or move my body and it’s definitely the time when I quietly sip coffee in my favorite chair (while I sit and stay OFF my phone😏).

It’s been a crazy 10 days of Milestones to enter this new decade. We launched an incredibly impressive cohort of EDGE women at the Pgh Tech Council (our 5th public offering cohort in the Pittsburgh region🙌). I sat, transfixed, as I witnessed the courage and sheer power of a group of EDGE women graduate at Highmark. I was offered a chance to be considered for a HUGE keynoting opportunity,🤞and was invited to throw my hat in the ring for a seat on an amazing board of directors.

And now I’m here in Jamaica, strategizing (for the 7th year) with my business partner, Mary, about what we want to accomplish in our company and in the world 🙌 in 2020 and beyond.

Milestones that I am proud of, to be sure, and yet I find I am reminding myself that who I’ve become (and who I hope to still be) is shaped more by the mundane and not milestones.❤️

….We often hear folks complain that time is a Thief. They bemoan how it steals away their lives.

Instead, I’m starting to think that time is a Chef. 👩‍🍳

Always, in front of us, is a decadent array of delectable feasts, if only we have the eyes to see 🥗🥘🍰 …I think that the real Thieves at play are distractions and our willingness to give in to them. 😳

After all, even the very best of meals is lost when we don’t stop to savor its flavor.
