
The Year of Release

As the close of 2020 comes into view, I’ve been doing a bit of reflection.

Last October I was talking about how 2019 was my “Slingshot.” It was the busiest (and most profitable year) we had in our 8 years in business. And to make that happen I had to pull waaaaay back. 😬

In fact, I extended myself far beyond what I thought possible. I remember telling a friend that I could actually feel the vibration of the “cord” of my Life pulled taught- just ready to be let loose. 🏹

And my plan for 2020 was to shoot higher. Farther. Bigger. Bolder. 🎯

And like most everyone I know, things didn’t turn out the way I expected this year. 😶

Instead of the big, bold landing I thought I was headed for, I’ve learned that there is actually a super important step – in between – the pulling back and the Landing.

It’s the Release. 😉

2020 has been, without a doubt, my year of Release. It was where I’ve given myself permission to let go of old self-limiting beliefs, behaviors that no longer serve me, and outdated habits.

And with that purposeful release comes the capacity to unleash my true potential. 🙌

Because after all, there is no landing until you Let Go. 😉



#YearOfRelease 🏹